The church organ was built by the Estey Pipe Organ Company of Brattleboro, Vermont in 1925 (Opus 2339). The company was founded in 1852 by Jacob Estey, and at its peak, was one of the world’s largest organ manufacturers. Estey built around 500,000 pump organs between 1846 and 1955. In 1901, Estey Organ Company began making pipe organs, and became one of the largest American pipe organ manufacturers. They built and sold more than 3,200 pipe organs across the U.S. and abroad. The company closed in 1960. The Estey Organ Museum was founded in 2002 and opened at the old manufacturing site in Brattleboro, Vermont. Their website is www.esteyorganmuseum.org .
The organ console has two manuals with approximately 731 pipes in 12 ranks, made of wood and metal. The ranks (voices) are:
GREAT (unenclosed) Diapason 8
Melodia 8
Dulciana 8
Flute 4
SWELL (expressive) Stopped Diapason 8 Aeoline 8
Salicional 8Voix Celeste 8 Harmonic Flute 4 Oboe 8
Lieblich Gedeckt 16 Bourdon 16
In 2004, the organ was rebuilt and the console was converted to solid state by Victorine’s Pipe Organ Service, LLC. In 2017, two ranks of pipes were re-leathered (Flute 4 in the Great and the Stopped Diapason 8 in the Swell) also by Victorine.
Grateful Hearts